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Brand Spotlight: THC Chocolate Bars by Kiva Confections

At Abide Napa, we realize that knowledge is power—and that’s especially true in the cannabis industry. In an effort to get our customers more familiar with the brands that we carry, we’re going to be shining the spotlight on some of our favorite cannabis companies. In this post, we’re going to look at Kiva Confections, purveyors of fine THC chocolate bars and other infused edibles.

Who is Behind Kiva Confections?

Kiva Confections traces its origins back to 2010,when self-described cannabis lovers Scott Palmer and Kristi Knoblich Palmer visited a local chocolate shop. Inspired by what they saw at the store, the couple decided to try making their own THC-infused chocolate bars at home.

What started as a passion project in their home kitchen has grown over the last decade to become one of the biggest names in California infused edibles. Today, Kiva employs more than 200 workers. You can find their products here and on dispensary shelves across the state.

When it comes to Kiva’s core values, consistency takes the top spot. That stems from the Palmers’ desire to ensure that every Kiva Confections chocolate bar has a standardized and reliable dose.

To make that happen, Kiva was one of the first California companies to perform their own lab testing to determine the exact potency of their products. The company also standardized all of their package labeling, making it easy to identify how much THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids their products contain. 

Where Can I Buy Kiva Confections’ THC-Infused Edibles?

Okay, so that covers the background of Kiva Confections. Now, let’s get to the good stuff: What kind of THC chocolate bars does Kiva Confections make? We’ve hand-picked some of the best Kiva chocolate the brand has to offer on our menu.

Remember, each bar contains many doses. A common dose is 5mg (one of 20 small squares). However, for your first experience we recommend trying just half a chocolate square, 2.5mg THC, or less and waiting two-plus hours for the full effects before consuming more.

1:1 THC/CBD Dark Chocolate Bar: If you’re a fan of the rich, luscious flavor of dark chocolate, you’re going to love this bar. Each of Kiva’s 1:1 THC/CBD Dark Chocolate Bars features 100 mg of THC and another 100 mg of CBD. They source their THC and CBD from hybrid cannabis strains. The balanced THC:CBD ratio suggests a relaxed buzz that’s not too powerful, leaving you feeling centered and calm.

Churro Milk Chocolate Bar: Dark chocolate has its champions, but the sweet, smooth taste of milk chocolate is a classic that most everyone loves. The addition of cinnamon and sugar gives this Churro Milk Chocolate Bar the flavor of a fresh hot churro dipped in molten chocolate. Kiva’s infused these THC edibles with 100mg per bar.

Moonlight Mint CBN Chocolate Bar: Here’s something for a refined cannabis palate. Kiva Confections’ Moonlight Mint CBN Chocolate Bar blends the sweet tones of milk chocolate with a burst of mint that demands attention. The multi-layered flavor isn’t the only thing that sets these bars apart, though. It’s also worth taking note of the cannabinoid profile, which includes CBN. Each bar features 100mg of THC and 40mg of CBN. This bar might be a great option for helping lull you to sleep if you’re having trouble getting there yourself, as CBN has shown promise in the sleep aid realm.
These three bars provide just a taste of all the Kiva Confections edibles we stock. You can check out our full offering of Kiva products. While you’re with us, why not browse through our full menu to see the other exciting offerings we’ve put together for you!

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CALIFORNIA LAW. You expressly acknowledge that Abide services are for qualified patients under California Health & Safety Code Section 11362.5, 11362.7, et seq., and a physician has recommended the use of medical marijuana. You also expressly acknowledge that the use, possession, cultivation, transportation and distribution of cannabis is illegal in California unless all participants are acting completely within the scope of California’s medical cannabis laws as set forth in the Attorney General’s Guidelines for the Security and Non-Diversion of Marijuana Grown for Medical Use and the Medical Cannabis Regulation & Safety Act (consisting of AB243, AB266 and SB643) and any amendments thereto.