At Abide Napa, we’re always on the lookout for exciting new products for our customers to try. And seeing how Napa has a long and proud tradition of fine beer-making under its belt, it’s only natural we should turn our spotlight on Lagunitas Brewing Company, a leader in the craft beer world since 1993.
Much as we love their classic brews, it’s their newest innovation that has caught our attention: Lagunitas Hi-Fi Hops, a hoppy, bubbly, cannabis-infused brew that just might change the way you think about beer forever!
For its first few decades of business, Lagunitas Brewing Company was content to focus on its award-winning handcrafted beers. With the opening of the adult-use cannabis markets in California and Colorado, however, the brewmasters there saw an opportunity to branch out.
Hi-Fi Hops (sometimes also simply called “hi hops” by fans) was born out of a partnership between Lagunitas and Sonoma-based Absolute Xtracts, an extractor on the cutting edge of the cannabis industry. With a focus on marrying the all-natural benefits of cannabis with the rigor and precision of the laboratory, Absolute (also known as ABX) focuses on vape cartridges, soft gels and sublingual drops, among other products.
Unfortunately for the folks at Lagunitas, their first attempt—a terpene-infused beer—turned out to be technically illegal. Undeterred, the Lagunitas brewmasters turned their attention towards a beer-like sparkling water, pairing the goodness of THC and CBD with a very hop-forward, beer-like flavor profile. Thus was born HiFi Hops.
The driving idea behind Hi-Fi represents something of a theme with Lagunitas. The brewery’s “The Waldos” is a seasonal brew made to commemorate the local high schoolers who are believed to have coined the term “4/20.” The beer, as reviewed by the Washington Post’s Fritz Hahn, smells and tastes fairly unabashedly like cannabis.
So, what does HiFi Hops taste like? The Reverb variety—which infuses 10 mg of THC into every brown bottle—has a very IPA-like flavor. Think bitter hops, grapefruit, and pine needles. You may be thrown by the lack of alcohol, but wait about 15 minutes or so and you’ll start to feel the THC. As with all cannabis products, we remind you not to drive after enjoying THC-infused products.
In addition to their Reverb formulation, there’s Tuner and Unplugged. With 5 mg each of THC and CBD, Tuner is much closer to a microdose, and arguably a better daytime choice for those who want to go easy. And if you’re as into the health benefits of CBD as we are, you’ll love Unplugged, which delivers a healthy 18 mg of CBD and less than 2 mg THC per bottle.
If you can’t tell, we’re big fans of Lagunitas Brewing Company. Not only their traditional brews, of course, but the sense of fun and experimentation that infuses all their products. If you’re looking for an alcohol alternative—or just a fun and zippy way to ingest cannabinoids—we really can’t recommend Hi-Hops enough!
Have any other questions about Hi-Fi Hops (or anything else in the world of cannabis? Reach out: We’re always hoppy…er, that is, happy…to help! And be sure to browse our online menu to see what Lagunitas Hi-Fi Hops we have in stock. We look forward to serving you!
Monday - Sunday: 9am - 8pm
Abide observes the following holidays and will be closed:
New Year’s Day (January 1st)
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve (December 24th)
Christmas Day (December 25th)
ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CALIFORNIA LAW. You expressly acknowledge that Abide services are for qualified patients under California Health & Safety Code Section 11362.5, 11362.7, et seq., and a physician has recommended the use of medical marijuana. You also expressly acknowledge that the use, possession, cultivation, transportation and distribution of cannabis is illegal in California unless all participants are acting completely within the scope of California’s medical cannabis laws as set forth in the Attorney General’s Guidelines for the Security and Non-Diversion of Marijuana Grown for Medical Use and the Medical Cannabis Regulation & Safety Act (consisting of AB243, AB266 and SB643) and any amendments thereto.