We’ve come a long way since the days of the “pot brownie” thanks to the rising popularity of cannabis edibles. Nowadays you can find breath mints, chocolates, cooking oil, gummies, and so many more cannabis-infused edibles at a medical and recreational dispensary.
For years, cannabis connoisseurs have baked their favorite strain into foods at home, but homemade edibles can be a risky way to consume your medicinal herb if you don’t know the potency of every serving size. If your special brownies are improperly infused or not dosed precisely, you may be biting off more than you can chew – especially if you have never eaten a cannabis edible before.
Ideally, everyone’s first experience with cannabis edibles should come with guidance from professionals like the cannabis sommeliers at Abide Dispensary. This ensures your medicinal products are expertly portioned out in proper doses so you are in control of your experience.
If you are considering trying edibles for the first time but aren’t sure where to start, this guide is for you. Below we will discuss the benefits of cannabis edibles and how to determine the right dosage for your needs.
Cannabis-infused edibles can provide all the therapeutic benefits and euphoric feelings of cannabis without the need to inhale smoke. If you are looking for a smokeless way to find relief through cannabis use, edibles are a great option that can provide a number of different effects:
Cannabis edibles can be infused with different types and amounts of cannabinoids to provide patients optimal relief from a variety of chronic conditions.
Two of the most common cannabinoids you will find in medicinal cannabis edibles are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).
THC is the primary cannabinoid responsible for the intoxicating feeling cannabis provides users. THC edibles are credited for being a great solution to chronic pain, sleep disorders, and appetite stimulation.
CBD has no intoxicating effects when you consume it, and can balance and even curb THC’s psychoactive effects, providing a more mellow experience. CBD edibles help millions of patients find relief from stress, anxiety, and inflammation without the feeling of being high.
You can find a variety of medicinal edibles that are specifically infused with both of these cannabinoids, as well as products that utilize a single cannabinoid to provide specific benefits.
Most medicinal cannabis edibles are measured by the milligram (mg). This weight measurement relates to the amount of THC or CBD present in the edible, not the weight of the total product.
It’s very important to know the specific cannabinoid serving size to determine the proper dosage. Serving sizes are typically 5 to 10mg with some cannabis edible products containing up to 500mg in a complete package. For example, our Kiva Espresso Dark Chocolate Bar has 5mg of THC and 5mg of CBD per piece of chocolate, and 100mg of each in the entire package.
The effects of dose sizes vary and can result in a negative experience if not properly measured. Here are some common effects of certain THC dosage:
Because everyone is unique, the effects of THC in edibles can differ from person to person. Tolerance, body chemistry, and the desired experience are all factors in determining what your ideal dosage is.
Unlike smoking cannabis, which enters the bloodstream quickly through the lungs, cannabis edibles are slowly absorbed into the bloodstream through the digestive tract. From there, It makes its way to the liver where the active cannabinoids (THC and CBD) are metabolized, and
released back into the bloodstream for its final journey to the brain where the effects are felt.
The cannabis experts at Abide Dispensary recommend a dose of 2.5mg to 5mg as a perfect place to start for a first-time edible consumer. The effects will be minimal, but measurable enough to help you decide if a higher dosage is needed for future experiences. Going above a 10mg dose is not advised for anyone without any prior experience with cannabis edibles.
Our biggest piece of advice is to start low and work your way up to a comfortable level over a series of sessions. Remember to start low and go slow!
The common trope with cannabis edibles is that it takes a long time to kick in. And it’s true!
Cannabis edible effects will typically take anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours to kick in. This window ranges drastically due to varying factors such as the amount of the active ingredient (high concentrations kick in faster) and the consumer’s biology.
New edible users may get discouraged if they don’t start to feel an effect right away and end up eating too much, which can lead to negative effects. The best rule is to be patient and wait until your next session to raise your dose if you don’t feel anything the first time!
Cannabis edibles produce a more intense high that lasts much longer than smoking. Edibles bind to the fats in our body and can make the cannabis effects last up to 8 to 10 hours. Because of edible’s longevity, it’s important to clear your schedule or utilize them before bed to avoid activities that you may be too impaired for.
There is no such thing as a toxic level of THC, but “overdosing” is common with unregulated or homemade products. Luckily, unless you do something prohibited like driving a car or operating heavy machinery, THC overconsumption is not fatal – but will likely kill your good time.
If you’re experiencing the negative effects of overindulging in cannabis edibles, there are some things you can do to reduce the effects and get through a bad trip.
At Abide, our goal is to help all our patients find relief through medicinal cannabis in a form they are most comfortable with. Our cannabis sommeliers are here to provide personalized recommendations and dosage guidance to suit your individual needs.
Visit our new cannabis dispensary in downtown Napa to meet our expert team, and allow them to lead you through our selection of high-quality medicinal cannabis edibles. Or order your favorite products online for curbside pick-up or same-day local delivery!
Monday - Sunday: 9am - 8pm
Abide observes the following holidays and will be closed:
New Year’s Day (January 1st)
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve (December 24th)
Christmas Day (December 25th)
ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CALIFORNIA LAW. You expressly acknowledge that Abide services are for qualified patients under California Health & Safety Code Section 11362.5, 11362.7, et seq., and a physician has recommended the use of medical marijuana. You also expressly acknowledge that the use, possession, cultivation, transportation and distribution of cannabis is illegal in California unless all participants are acting completely within the scope of California’s medical cannabis laws as set forth in the Attorney General’s Guidelines for the Security and Non-Diversion of Marijuana Grown for Medical Use and the Medical Cannabis Regulation & Safety Act (consisting of AB243, AB266 and SB643) and any amendments thereto.